Virtual meetings via ZOOM with regular reminders to donate on line. Elders available to help if needed.
Virtual meetings via ZOOM with regular reminders to donate on line. Elders available to help if needed.
the watchtower witch-hunters are still sending out subpoena's and closing down websites.
it is safer for simon, this board, and us if we send out internal confidential documents privately.. from time to time i will let you know something has arrived that you might want.
just send us a "pm" and we will give you the download links.. you do not need to include any personal information.
Petra, I would love a nice cappuccino whilst I read these documents
Many thanks to you all
i`ll list a few things and welcome any input, comments you may have .. 1.when adam & eve "sinned" disobeyed him, surely god could have handled it better than to condemn all future generations to disease and death ?.
2.his handling of satan who supposedly seduced eve to disobey god could also have been done a lot differently with a finality to it.. 3.i find little if anything in his dealings with the patriarchs that suggests a loving god protecting them.?.
4.taking on the nation of israel and leading them as his chosen people does not inspire confidence or trust as a god of love.. 5.throughout the hebrew scriptures / old testament his chosen people were constantly at war with other nations which of course would have meant many deaths of the israelite`s during these battles .and the grief that comes with family members in those times.
Children called Elisha, a prophet of Jehovah, "Baldy Head" so he cursed them and a couple of bears tore 42 of them to pieces. Very loving.
well as usual, the watchtower wants to make sure the rank & file keep the money coming in.
even if the jw's have nothing to eat.. 2020-04-10--congregation donations by electronic funds transfer.
Is it really safe to enter the cong. Bank a/c details on their website?
The Bank a/c details do not appear on the form, only the congregation name and address. This is selected from a drop down list, just type the first few letters of the congregation name.
some light entertainment ... there are apparently 39 beatles songs hidden in the picture, but depending on how to interpret some of them you may come up with more.. please post one each, to give everyone a go, and describe where the song is in the picture (so it's not just coming up with a list of beatles songs).
also, check for existing answers - i'll post summaries to show the ones already identified.. .
Penny Lane
Bottom centre sign post.
hello this is my first post although i’ve lingered on this site before.
i’m curious about a comment i read saying that rutherfords idea of only 144000 going to heaven was taken from the founder of the church friends of man.
i tried looking up this church but could not find information on when they started this belief.
There was an interesting thread about this recently but I cannot find it at present. The following reference which you have probably read, however will give you the gist of it:-
english--2020-04-08--addendum to the march 24, letter.. to the march 24, letter instructions!
What funds do the congregation have to help anyone these days? Here in the UK the congregation is only allowed to retain 3 months operating expenses, anything they have over and above this has to be sent to the Branch Office each month.
Prior to this change our congregation had thousands of pounds in the bank, even after sending bequests to the society. There would have been funds to help needy ones. Those days are gone. The big asset strip made sure of that.
Is it too late to get a brew started?
mia was almost 8 and she was the sweetest dog who was my girlfriend’s constant companion.
she had a wonderful disposition and was just a source of joy to everyone who would meet her.. she was brought to the vet on thursday and seemed to have digestive issues.
the vet gave her medicine and said it would make her sleepy.
Losing a pet is like losing a member of the family, in some cases worse as you usually see your pet every day.
The WT people have no comprehension of this however and discourage pet ownership.
you gotta listen to the first 60 seconds of the special talk drivel.. you'll immediately see why i've put this under jokes & humour.
the U k version was a strange old boy, but I would not mock the afflicted.
Stephen Hardy, (81) member of Britain Branch Committee and ex Director of KH Trust etc. One of Chelmsford's high rollers!